Academic journal articles
- Fajth, V., Bilgili, Ö., Loschmann, C., & Siegel, M. (2019). How do refugees affect social life in host communities? The case of Congolese refugees in Rwanda. Comparative Migration Studies, 7(1), 33.
- Bilgili, Ö., Loschmann, C., Fransen, S., & Siegel, M. (2019). Is the education of local children influenced by living nearby a refugee camp? Evidence from host communities in Rwanda. International Migration. Published on: 02 January 2019.
- Loschmann, C., Bilgili, Ö., & Siegel, M. (2019). Considering the benefits of hosting refugees: evidence of refugee camps influencing local labour market activity and economic welfare in Rwanda. IZA Journal of Development and Migration, 9(1), 5.
- Fajth, V., & Bilgili, Ö. (2018). Beyond the isolation thesis: exploring the links between residential concentration and immigrant integration in the Netherlands. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 1-25.
- Bilgili, Ö. & Loschmann C. (2018). Refugees and host communities in the Rwandan labour market. Forced Migration Review. 58, 22-24.
- Fransen, S., & Bilgili, Ö. (2018). Who reintegrates? The constituents of reintegration of displaced populations. Population, Space and Place. 24 (6), 1-13.
- Bilgili, Ö. Kuschminder, K. & Siegel, M. (2017). Return Migrants’ Perceptions of Living Conditions in Ethiopia: A Gendered Analysis. Migration Studies. Published online: 10 August 2017.
- Volante, L., Klinger, D., Bilgili, Ö., & Siegel, M. (2017). Making Sense of the Performance (Dis) advantage for Immigrant Students Across Canada. Canadian Journal of Education, 40(3), 229-361.
- Bilgili, Ö. (2017). Houd rekening met de realiteit van migranten; Pleidooi voor een coherent en complementair integratie- en ontwikkelingsbeleid. Sociologie.
- Bilgili, Ö. (2016). A new strategy: coherent and complementary integration and development policies. Migration Policy Practice IOM, 6(1), 16-21.
- Sturge G., Bilgili, Ö., & Siegel, M. (2016). Migrants' capacity as actors of development: do skills matter for economic and social remittances?. Global Networks. Article first published online: 2 MAR 2016
- Bilgili, Ö. (2015). Economic Integration for Sending Money back home? Journal of Immigrant and Refugee Studies, 13 (4) 379-400.
- Bilgili, Ö. & Siegel, M. (2015). To Return Permanently or to Return Temporarily? Explaining Migrants’ Intentions. Migration & Development.
- Bilgili, Ö. (2014). Migrants’ Multi-Sited Social Lives. Comparative Migration Studies, 2(3), 283-304.
- Bilgili, Ö. & Siegel, M. (2014). Policy perspectives of Turkey towards return migration: From permissive indifference to selective difference. Migration Letters, 11(2), 218-228.
- Engbersen, G., Bakker, L., Erdal, M. B., & Bilgili, Ö. (2014). Transnationalism in a Comparative Perspective. Comparative Migration Studies, 2(3), 255-260.
Books/Edited books
- Volante, L., Klinger, D., & Bilgili, O. (Eds.). (2018). Immigrant Student Achievement and Education Policy: Cross-Cultural Approaches (Vol. 9). Springer.
- Huddleston T., Bilgili, Ö., Joki A.L. & Vankova, Z. (2015). MIPEX 2015. Migration Policy Group, Brussels.
- Bilgili, Özge (2014). Simultaneity in Transnational Migration Research: Links between Migrants’ Home and Host Country Orientation, Boekenplan, Maastricht.
Book chapters
- Bilgili, O., Volante, L., & Klinger, D. (2018). Immigrant Student Achievement and the Performance Disadvantage. In Immigrant Student Achievement and Education Policy (pp. 3-15). Springer, Press.
- Klinger, D., Volante, L., & Bilgili, O. (Ed.) (2018). Conclusion. Immigrant Student Achievement and Education Policy: Cross-Cultural Approaches (Policy Implications of Research in Education Series). Springer Press.
- Bilgili, Ö. & Weyel S. (2016). Diaspora Engagement Policies: A Comparison between the Turkish and Moroccan Case. In D. Besharov and M. Lopez (Eds.) Adjusting to a World in Motion: Trends in Global Migration and Migration Policy. Boston: Oxford University Press.
- Bilgili, Ö. & Siegel M. (2013). From Economic to Political Engagement: Analysing the Changing Role of the Turkish Diaspora. In Collyer, Michael Emigration Nations: the ideologies and policies of emigrant engagement, Palgrave.
Refereed reports & Papers
- OECD (2018), The Resilience of Students with an Immigrant Background: Factors that Shape Well-being, OECD Reviews of Migrant Education, OECD Publishing, Paris. (Co-drafted with Francesca Borgonovi, Alessandro Ferrara, Lucie Cerna and Jose Marquez)
- Bilgili, Ö., Fransen, S., Loschmann, C., & Siegel, M. (2018). Is the education of local children influenced by living nearby a refugee camp? Evidence from host communities in Rwanda (No. 018). World Institute for Development Economic Research (UNU-WIDER).
- Bilgili, Ö. (2017). The “CHARM” Policy Analysis Framework: Evaluation of Policies to Promote Immigrant Students’ Resilience. OECD Education Working Papers, No. 158, OECD Publishing, Paris.
- Bilgili, Ö., Loschmann, C., Siegel, M. (2017). The Gender-Based Effects of Displacement: The Case of Congolese Refugees in Rwanda. KNOMAD Working Paper 21. World Bank.
- Bilgili, Ö. & Marchand, K. (2016). Domain 3: Protection and Migration. Thematic Input Paper - Agadir Regional Thematic Exchange Meeting. Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation: Bern, Switzerland.
- Bilgili, Ö. (2015). Evaluating impact: Lessons learned from robust evaluations of labour market policies, MIPEX Project, Brussels.
- Bilgili, Ö., Huddleston T., and Joki A.L. (2015). The Dynamics between Integration Policies and Outcomes: a Synthesis of the Literature, MIPEX Project, Brussels.
- Bilgili Ö. & Agimi, I. (2015). Supporting Immigrant Integration in Europe: What Role for Origin Countries’ Subnational Authorities, MPI Europe, Conceptual paper for INTERACT project.
- Bilgili, Özge & Siegel, M. (2015). Migration and Development: A World in Motion - The Netherlands Country Profile, IS Academy Survey: the Netherlands.
- Bilgili Ö. (2012). Turkey’s Multifarious Attitude towards Migration and its Migrants (European University Institute – CARIM Migration Summer School – Best Participant Essays Series).
- Bilgili Ö. (2012). Migration and Development: A World in Motion – Fieldwork Report: Methodology and Sampling. Maastricht Graduate School of Governance.
- Bilgili, Ö. & Weyel S. (2009). Migration in Morocco: History, Current Trends and Future Prospects. Paper Series: Migration and Development Country Profiles. Maastricht Graduate School of Governance.
Opinion pieces
- Bilgili, Ö. (2019). Promote optimal contact against fear, intolerance and misconceptions about migrants and refugees in Europe. One World Magazine.
- Volante, L., Klinger D., Bilgili, Ö. & Siegel, M. (2017), Immigrant Youth Help to Build Nations. Conversation Canada.
- Volante, L., Klinger D., Bilgili, Ö. & Siegel, M. (2017), The Immigrant (Dis)advantage Addressing student achievement gaps. Education Canada.
- Bilgili Ö. (2015) Migrant Integration: How Policies Shape Everyday Lives. UNU-Merit Blog. The Netherlands.
- Bilgili Ö. (2014) Extra-Territorial Voting in Turkey: Lessons Learnt. Opinion Paper. Centre for International Affairs Barcelona.
- Bilgili Ö. (2014) A Suggestion for Turkey: Treat your immigrants like your emigrants. Opinion Paper. Centre for International Affairs Barcelona.
- Bilgili Ö. (2014) El europeismo se impone en Holanda in 12 reflexiones acerca de los resultados de las elecciones europeas. Dossier Elecciones Europeas. Centre for International Affairs Barcelona.
- Bilgili Ö. (2014) Time for a more inclusive integration discourse: Clear evidence on simultaneous lives of migrants in the Netherlands. Government Gazette. The United Kingdom.
- Bilgili Ö. (2014) De definitie van integratie heroverwogen: Het leiden van simultane levens. Versvak. The Netherlands.
Policy briefs
Working papers
- The links between economic integration and remittances behaviour of migrants in the Netherlands, UNU-MERIT Working Paper:
- Understanding the changing role of the Turkish diaspora, UNU-MERIT Working Paper (Co-authoring with Melissa Siegel):
- Ethnic identification, acculturation strategies and homeland attachment – Presented at PRIO Integration and Transnationalism in Europe Workshop in October 2013
- MSc. Thesis: “Educational achievement of migrant children: Does parents’ relative education play a role?” ( using PISA 2000-2003-2006 datasets and the World Bank Development Indicators)