Dr. Özge Bilgili

Assistant Professor at Utrecht University & Thomas J. Alexander Fellow at OECD


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Academic journal articles


Books/Edited books

  • Volante, L., Klinger, D., & Bilgili, O. (Eds.). (2018). Immigrant Student Achievement and Education Policy: Cross-Cultural Approaches (Vol. 9). Springer.
  • Huddleston T., Bilgili, Ö., Joki A.L. & Vankova, Z. (2015). MIPEX 2015. Migration Policy Group, Brussels.
  • Bilgili, Özge (2014). Simultaneity in Transnational Migration Research: Links between Migrants’ Home and Host Country Orientation, Boekenplan, Maastricht.

Book chapters

  • Bilgili, O., Volante, L., & Klinger, D. (2018). Immigrant Student Achievement and the Performance Disadvantage. In Immigrant Student Achievement and Education Policy (pp. 3-15). Springer, Press.
  • Klinger, D., Volante, L., & Bilgili, O. (Ed.) (2018). Conclusion. Immigrant Student Achievement and Education Policy: Cross-Cultural Approaches (Policy Implications of Research in Education Series). Springer Press.
  • Bilgili, Ö. & Weyel S. (2016). Diaspora Engagement Policies: A Comparison between the Turkish and Moroccan Case. In D. Besharov and M. Lopez (Eds.) Adjusting to a World in Motion: Trends in Global Migration and Migration Policy. Boston: Oxford University Press.  
  • Bilgili, Ö. & Siegel M. (2013). From Economic to Political Engagement: Analysing the Changing Role of the Turkish Diaspora. In Collyer, Michael Emigration Nations: the ideologies and policies of emigrant engagement, Palgrave.

Refereed reports & Papers

Opinion pieces

Policy briefs

Working papers

  • The links between economic integration and remittances behaviour of migrants in the Netherlands, UNU-MERIT Working Paper: http://www.merit.unu.edu/publications/wppdf/2013/wp2013-037.pdf
  • Understanding the changing role of the Turkish diaspora, UNU-MERIT Working Paper (Co-authoring with Melissa Siegel): http://www.merit.unu.edu/publications/wppdf/2011/wp2011-039.pdf
  • Ethnic identification, acculturation strategies and homeland attachment – Presented at PRIO Integration and Transnationalism in Europe Workshop in October 2013
  • MSc.  Thesis: “Educational  achievement  of  migrant  children:  Does  parents’  relative education play a role?” ( using PISA 2000-2003-2006 datasets and the  World  Bank  Development  Indicators)